Elections 2025
In the Town of Caroline the following town positions will be on the ballot: Town Supervisor, two Town Council members, and one Town Justice. . At the county level, the seat for the County Legislature District 7 is open. If you are interested in learning more about these positions contact Caroline Democratic Chair, Renate Ferro [email protected] Democrats will be passing petitions beginning on February 25th.
Would you like to become involved in the Caroline Democratic Committee:? Contact Chair,, Renate Ferro at [email protected] Whether you sit officially on our committee or want to volunteer to canvas voters, get out the vote, or even provide rides to the polls we need you.
In the Town of Caroline the following town positions will be on the ballot: Town Supervisor, two Town Council members, and one Town Justice. . At the county level, the seat for the County Legislature District 7 is open. If you are interested in learning more about these positions contact Caroline Democratic Chair, Renate Ferro [email protected] Democrats will be passing petitions beginning on February 25th.
Would you like to become involved in the Caroline Democratic Committee:? Contact Chair,, Renate Ferro at [email protected] Whether you sit officially on our committee or want to volunteer to canvas voters, get out the vote, or even provide rides to the polls we need you.